K Cash has discovered that scammers have recently pretended to be employees of the company and provided loan services. The fraud case has been reported to the police for follow-up. K Cash reminds customers that the company will only invite customers to the central head office and various K Cash bases to negotiate and submit relevant documents. Customers can check the addresses of the head office and branches on the K Cash website.
In addition, if customers have doubts about the identity of the officer, please call the K Cash customer service hotline 21111 211 to verify the identity of the staff.
If customers have any questions, please call the customer service hotline 21111 211 for enquiries.
K Cash Limited, a local scientific research company, to provide a name card verification function with blockchain technology to prevent scammers from pretending to be employees of the bank. There is a unique QR code on the card issued by the customer service officer to each customer. Customers only need to scan the Wechat mini-program to view the photo, department and contact information of the customer service officer.
Recently, there have been fraudsters impersonating our company's staff and offering loan services via WhatsApp. The fraudulent cases have been reported to the police for investigation. If you have any questions, please call our customer service hotline at 21111 211 to inquire or verify the identity of our staff.
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