
SME Loan

K Cash SME financing is tailored to accommodate diverse short-term liquidity needs and business expansion objectives. Our streamlined application process, which integrates AI to financial record analysis, allows for a maximum loan amount up to HK$10 million.

Minimum of 6 months in operation required
No collateral required, accepts applications with any credit rating
No early redemption penalty
Loan amount can reach up to
HK$ 10 Million
Repayment period up to
48 Months
No handling fees involved
Option to choose interest-only payments
Terms and conditions apply to the above services, which are subject to the final approval.
Explore new possibilities
K Cash SME Financing: Thinking One Step Ahead to Assist Your Small Business Loan Needs
No early redemption penalty
No early redemption penalty
K Cash SME Financing offers a flexible loan program with repayment period of up to 48 months. The principal can be redeemed earlier without paying remaining interest and with no handling fees. Assist SMEs with short-term turnover.
Quick loan approval within 3 days
Quick loan approval within 3 days
By submitting all the required documents and completing the application process, K Cash can expedite the entire application. Help SMEs solve their urgent financial needs.
Option to choose interest-only payments
Option to choose interest-only payments
K Cash understands the need for a substantial cash flow for many SMEs. K Cash offers an interest-only payment option, allowing customers to easily access working capital.
No early redemption penalty
No early redemption penalty
K Cash SME Financing offers a flexible loan program with repayment period of up to 48 months. The principal can be redeemed earlier without paying remaining interest and with no handling fees. Assist SMEs with short-term turnover.
Quick loan approval within 3 days
Quick loan approval within 3 days
By submitting all the required documents and completing the application process, K Cash can expedite the entire application. Help SMEs solve their urgent financial needs.
Option to choose interest-only payments
Option to choose interest-only payments
K Cash understands the need for a substantial cash flow for many SMEs. K Cash offers an interest-only payment option, allowing customers to easily access working capital.

Why Choose K Cash

15 years
Lending Experience
Over 10000
Customer Served
99 %
Customer Satisfaction
100 %
Data Privacy

Take an extra step for your privacy security

Blockchain technology protects data privacy

K Cash employs the highest level of confidentiality in technology to collect, process, and protect customer data to ensure the integrity of customer information and prevent tampering. Additionally, K Cash applies blockchain technology to implement an employee identity authentication system, reducing the risk of potential customers engaging in transactions with impersonators or fraudulent employees.

1 st
in the market
document loan
steps to proceed

Take an extra step for your privacy security

privacy and security


Is there any handling fee or miscellaneous expenses for SME financing?
K Cash SME Financing does not charge any handling fees or miscellaneous expenses.
Desire the loan require a guarantor or collateral?
All loans require shareholders/directors to provide guarantees, but no collateral is required to apply for SME loans.
How much can be borrowed?
K Cash SME Financing determines the most suitable loan amount for customers based on their personal information and business operations, such as their residence, employment, and financial situation. We do not solely reply on calculation based on the multiple of net profits. Instead, K Cash SME Financing tailor the loan to best suit the customer's needs.
Loan Amount: Minimum of HK$100,000 to maximum of HK$10,000,000. 
How long can be the repayment period?
The repayment period can range from 6 to 48 instalments, depending on the customer's desire.
I have been bankrupt, can I apply for a loan?
As long as there are sufficient documents, even customers who have previously experienced bankruptcy can still apply for a loan. The bankruptcy record will be treated as a reference. There have been cases in the past where customers with a bankruptcy record were successful in obtaining a loan.
Will a poor credit rating affect loan outcomes?
The approval result depends on the industry in which your company operates, whether sufficient information has been submitted, and so forth. You don’t need to worry about loan application rejections solely due to poor credit rating.
Can I apply for a loan if my company is not in operation?
K Cash SME offers special start-up loans for customers who have been in business for less than a year, enabling them to pursue their dreams and achieve even more.
How to apply for a loan and submit documents?
Customers can visit our K Cash branch to apply, or apply for SME loans and submit documents through the customer service hotline 23 222 111, WhatsApp, and Email. For details, please contact our customer consultants.

K Cash SME Financing Solution

We Anticipate Your Needs, Loan Amount can reach up to HK$10 million

1. Repayment terms can be flexibly arranged, with loan durations ranging from as short as 6 months to as long as 48 months. Customers can determine the repayment period based on their own repayment capabilities.
2. Highest annual interest rate is 36%.
3. A brief description of the fees related to the loan is provided below for reference:
  • Loan amount: HK$1,000,000
  • Repayment period is 36 months, and monthly repayment amount is HK$39,233
  • Interest rate: 2% monthly
  • APR: 24%
  • Total repayment amount: HK$1,412,388